- Still working at my job at the domestic violence shelter. Seriously, though: never a dull moment. Never.
- Still in grad school. Twice a week at nights so it's manageable. I like it a lot. Which reminds me I have a paper due next week. Riiiight.
- Still madly in love with the boytoy. We are almost 1 year together and it's just great and wonderful and hearts and unicorns and rainbows everyday.
- Still completely lacking a social life. I work weekends and am either in school or at work. Legit that is my life. #noshame
Archive for 2012
posted by Jessica on Grad School, Puppy, work
posted by Jessica on Family, Yom Kippur
posted by Jessica on Grad School, Job training, Rant, work
posted by Jessica on Changes, Happiness, Israel, Life Lessons
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The beach of Tel Aviv. How dreamy. |
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The girls... After the big surprise! |
posted by Jessica
So after a cab, a train, two planes, a bus, another train and one car-ride, I arrived safely home on Thursday.
The trip itself was not bad at all. I have traveled extensively and have had horrific travel experiences (flight oversells, having the flu over the Atlantic and being treated by the resident airport doctor at Heathrow at 4am, sleeping in the Berlin train station) and this was definitely not the worst. And the best part was how I excited I was to come home. In the past, I have always lamented the journey back home because I would much rather continue my nomadic lifestyle. This time though, I wanted to run back home, shower, munch on Chinese and hang out with the boyfriend and cuddle all night.
In reality I ended up passing out in bed, but still a lovely experience.
Now, four short days later and I have started a pre-req Statistics class at my university! The exclamation point is not really a testament to my love of Stats, but more of my excitement of being back on a campus.
I'm starting the part-time MSW program at Simmons which is nestled in the heart of the college district of Boston. I love the energy found on campuses, fresh notebooks and sharpened pencils. I guess I am a geek at heart. And I am so excited to learn more about Social Work, especially because I start training for my new job on Tuesday working at a women's shelter.
More updates later- now I need to study!
posted by Jessica on Friendship, Happiness, Life, life goals, Life Lessons
posted by Jessica on Balance, Israel, School, work
One week ago I was reeling from a slew of job rejections, a general feeling of deprime (depression in French just sounds so much more sophisticated) and having just an overall tough time with life. Ever since quitting and committing my life to living in this suburban hell (melodramatic much?) I have been in a bit of an existential funk. I have also been really lonely as it has been hard to make friends and I have no job so essentially my life has consisted of a lot of Tostitos and Jerry Springer.
Until Friday of last week. In which I, hopeless and forelorned, received a job offer which took me about .005 seconds to accept. And not any job. It is not administrative job that I resigned to applying for, nor the front staff at a local gym. No, I actually somehow managed to score a job in my field and more importantly, something that is related to Social Work, which I will be studying starting in the Fall.
Additionally, the job is super flexible. I sign up for shifts a month before and can make my schedule around my classes. It almost is too good to be true. Almost.
Also, since I won't be starting school until the fall and my training for work does not being until the first week of September I came to the very astute observation that I have a good 2.5 weeks to kill.
So, in the good nature of spontaneity that I sometimes possess coupled with a recklesness that I have never possessed, I booked a plane ticket to Israel for 2 weeks leaving in less than a week. Yep, I dropped $1,000 on a plane ticket across the world to go see my friends, party and work on my tan.
I reckon it will totally be worth it.
So I am leaving for Israel to hang out with all my lovely friends for 2 weeks, have a great job lined up and am starting graduate school in 2.5 weeks. Awesome, right?
I am a little nervous about how everything will work out. Will I be overwhelmed working, studying and volunteering on weekends? Will I be able to balance everything and still be able to relax once in awhile and see my boyfriend?
I think know that it will definitely be a challenge, but I think I am ready for it. Or at least I will be after 2 weeks of fun in the sun... Right?
posted by Jessica on Job search, People suck, Rejection
posted by Jessica on Boyfriend, Changes, Life
I have been unemployed for officially 1 month. While in writing, it does not sound so treacherously long, some days it feels like a lifetime. I left my job with three interviews lined up- all very promising options- and the hope that I would be in a job within 2 weeks. And then reality set in. And, though I was offered a job, I knew that it was not a match and I would have been miserable. I now know that I cannot have a simple '9 to 5' where I clock in and clock out. At some point I know I will find that job where I feel passionate or I will just accept the next best thing out of desperation. When that breakthrough happens, however, I do not yet know. I have begun to adjust well to my new life of unemployment. I also like how it nicely coincided with the summer months. It also coincided quite neatly with my move into my new apartment with the boyfriend. Living together for the first time with a boyfriend is a new experience. I have never lived with a significant other before and I am pretty confident this will be my last time. You really do get to learn a lot about your partner- the good, bad and the ugly. But it is important to learn all that fun, dirty stuff too and it brings you closer. I can see how living together can totally destroy couples, though. So, while I am in a sort of limbo in life now I cannot deny I am incredibly happy and feel so blessed. I know that where I am is 100% the exact opposite of where I thought I would currently be in my life, but I also feel like in a way I skipped 30 steps ahead and found the true love of my life (super sappy, I know). I honestly imagined getting married in my mid-30's after having achieved some kick-ass career goals and traveling the world. And I know that whenever you make plans, God just laughs in your face but I think I am still pretty happy with how this version of life is playing out...
posted by Jessica on Blogging, Changes, Quit My Job
posted by Jessica
posted by Jessica
posted by Jessica on Couponing
posted by Jessica on First Job, Job search
posted by Jessica on Budget, Couponing, Good Deals, Saving Money
posted by Jessica on drinking, Job search, stressful decisions
Currently I am enjoying a refreshing and chilled mojito at my favorite Mexican restaurant where the boyfriend works. And I like to think that I deserve it. Por que? You wonder. Well because today was my last day of work. Yippee!
I am excited to move on and explore new territory. Unfortunately- well not completely unfortunately- I have a little conundrum on my hands.
Today I received an email from the director of one of the largest and most prominent non profit organizations in Boston. I got his contact information via an old employer from high school that I recently visited with cupcakes and a plea for assistance.
This guy has been great. He spent a good hour on the phone with me, giving me advice about how to break into non profits and has generously forwarded my resume. I hadn't heard from him in awhile and to be honest, I was a little embarrassed to tell him about receiving my job offer (I need to work on not being embarrassed about this job just because it's not in the field that my parents paid a ridiculous amount of money for me to study in).
So he emailed me to tell me that there has been a job opening in the immigrant and refugee services branch of the organization. And of course I am stressed out because all I do is stress out about things even though I am trying to, as Pedro constantly reminds, "cry before the whip".
I am a work in progress.
My dad actually had a really good idea for how to handle the situation. Growing up I watched my parents deal with the pitfalls of owning their own business. I've noticed that while there are the traditional problems that are associated with businesses- such as maintaining clients, advertising the business and making a profit- the biggest headache that they had to deal with by far were their own employees. And because of that, and witnessing their countess headaches, I have always tried to be the best employee possible. Which is why the thought of starting a job and also interviewing for another at the same time makes me feel really... Dirty.
But my parents have been trying to reinforce that I need to think about myself and what is best for me. Which for some reason seems really daunting. And makes me feel guilty. And dirty. Where does all this guilt come from? Technically I'm only half Jewish so I feel like I should be experiencing significantly less guilt right now. What gives?
Anyone have similar experiences and want to offer me advice? A helpful motivational quote? Charming metaphor that will somehow explain away all my guilty feelings, perhaps with a witty anecdote? Any and all advice is welcome.
Happy Saturday! Looks like round two of mojitos for me!
posted by Jessica on First Job, Outfits, Sick
posted by Jessica on Happiness Project, life goals, Organization
posted by Jessica on Friends, New York City, Travel
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Don't we look so happy together? |
posted by Jessica on 2012 Book Challenge
posted by Jessica on Valentine's Day
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My flowers at work. |
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Not the best picture, but you get the idea. |
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The real love of his life. |
posted by Jessica on Job search, life goals, work